=====Add tabs/tables===== To start adding objects to your database, make sure “Databases” is selected in the top left button. Click on the database you would like to work with in the menu to the left and choose “Designer”. You will be prompted for the login of an administrator account in LIME, and then you are ready to go! Every tab in LIME (for example “Companies”) are represented in the database as a “Table”. If you want to add a new tab, simply click the button “New Table” and give the tab a name (not possible for Cloud). Please note that the field “Name” is used in the database, while the name shown inside LIME is set via the “Display Name”-fields. You can also choose a label for the table, for example “Person” if the table represents persons, add a policy for the table if you would like and choose an icon, which will be shown next to the table name in the Lime CRM desktop client, by clicking somewhere inside the box in the top left corner. You can also choose whether the table should be visible or not. There are more properties that can be set for a tab/table, read more about [[configuration:lisa:tableproperties|Table properties]] If the table is supposed to be a virtual table, check the “Is virtual”-box and add the SQL Expression. Virtual tables are not supported in the web client as of Lime CRM version