====== Checklist for installation ====== ===== 1. Remote control===== During the implemenation phase, Lundalogik must be able to connect to the application server and SQL-server remotely. A remote connection after the implementation is also desirable in order to be able to give fast and effective support. The following is needed: - Windows-account with administrative rights on the application server. - Windows-account with adminstrative rights on the SQL-server. If possible, the same account as above is desirable. The account needs access to the SQL Server and permissions for the Lime CRM-database (minimum db_owner but also desirable to be able to see/create/modify jobs under SQL Server Agent). As an alternative, if access to the SQL-server is not possible, SQL Server Management Studio can be installed on the application server if the Windows-account used for the application-server is given the previous mentioned permissions in SQL Server. ===== 2. Access to programs===== The following programs are used by Lundalogik and therefore must be accessible from either a separate ”consult computer” or from the LIME test application server (if there is a separate test-environment). - SQL Server Management Studio. - SQL Server Integration Services (installed on both the SQL-server and the server where SSIS-packages will be created) - SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio or SQL Server Data Tools (depending on SQL-server version) on the server where SSIS-packages will be created. - IE9 or later. - MS Silverlight - to be able to use LISA, the administration tools for LIME. - MS Office – to be able to modify Word-, E-mail and Exceltemplates. **OBS!** Lime CRM only works with 32-bits Office! - FileZilla or another FTP-program to transfer files to/from server. ===== 3. Application server ===== - .NET Framework 4.0 must be installed. - The server must have the role ”Application Server” - Before the installation of Lime CRM Server, some users must be created: - Create a service-Windows-account used for running the COM+ service (what we usually call Lime CRM Server). The user must be database owner for the Lime CRM-database. If databases are to be created in LISA, the user also needs permission to do this. - Create the AD-group ”Lime CRM Users” (or similar name) – for those Windows-users who must have access to Lime CRM Server (i.e. those who will use Lime CRM). - Create the group ”Lime CRM Admins” (or similar name) – users who will administrate Lime CRM Server through Lime CRM Server Administration (LISA). These users don’t need to be members of Lime CRM Users. Could be an AD-group or a local group on the server. The account given to Lundalogik for accessing the application server must be a member of the group ”Lime CRM Admins”. - The users and the server must be in the same AD. - Both AD-groups must be a member of the local group Distributed COM Users. ===== 4. Installation===== When everything is prepared, Lundalogik can begin with the installation. Then we will need: - Instructions for how we can log in and account information (username and password) - Name of the application server and the SQL-server. - Account information for the server-account used for running the COM+ service. - Names of the AD and the AD-groups “Lime CRM Users” & “Lime CRM Admins”. - Someone available during the day of installation, in case we need help with something unexpected. ===== 5. Lundalogik will install:===== - Component service (COM+) Lundalogik Data Components (the service who lets clients ”talk” to the LIME Server) on the application server. - Lime CRM Client (the client software) on the server - Service Lime CRM Server administration (service to be able to access LISA, the administration tools for LIME) - Service Lundalogik Data Components Web Service (installed with the LIME Server but will only be used in case the LIME clients will log in to LIME using HTTP or HTTPS protocol). - The LIME-database is moved to the SQL-server. ===== Good to know ===== The port used is 5463/TCP. Besides this port, the standard port for DCOM-communication (135/TCP) is used as well as 5472/TCP (for the administration tool, LISA). Windows firewalls on the server will automatically be configured during installation of the LIME-server, but if there are external firewalls, they need to be configured separately. If other ports have been opened for other LIME versions, they can be closed.