It is very important to keep the Lime database maintained to keep it optimized and to prevent performance issues. A maintenance plan aims to assert that the database integrity is not compromised, that the indexes are kept in shape and that the statistics are updated. Microsoft has [[|a good guide]] for setting up a maintenance plans. [[|Ola Hallengren]] is also a well known SQL Server guru with scripts for maintenance of index, statistics, backups and more ====== Minimum optimization ====== For the bare minimum it's suggested to set up [[|CommandExecute]] and [[|IndexOptimize]] and the job manually. Start a new query in your desired database and from the GitHub link click on the ''Copy raw contents'' button in the top right, then paste and execute it in the query to build (or alter if you're updating) the table. The job is as simple as executing ''[dbo].[IndexOptimize]'' and either select the database in the drop-down, or if multiple databases should be checked, configure the ''@Database'' line shown below. {{:maintanence:2022-03-25_15_16_12-window.png?400|}} It's also suggested to make a step before this that runs the ''[lsp_cleanupdb]'' command to avoid logs filling up and locking up the database. If this is already the case, have a look at the next section. ===== Cleanup Trashcan ===== If ''[lsp_cleanupdb]'' hasn't been run there's a chance that old deleted objects are still around in Lime and certain logs could be massive. This can cause lock ups and other problems in the SQL database. Start off by running these three in a new query: select count (*) from transactionlog select count (*) from updatelog select count (*) from relationlog If the results are in the millions on any, that's a big red flag. To clear them without locking up the entire database with ''[lsp_cleanupdb]'', create the script for ''[csp_mwe_cleanup_trashcan]'' with the code from the big block at the bottom then execute it with the following: execute [dbo].[csp_mwe_cleanup_trashcan] The script removes logs in batches of 20000 by default and the actual progress can be followed in the messages tab. This can be changed in the section on line 38 SET @batchsize = 20000 GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[csp_mwe_cleanup_trashcan] Script Date: 2020-09-30 10:25:26 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /* ##SUMMARY */ /* ##REMARKS */ /* ##RETURNS 0 if successful.*/ /* $Revision: 8 $ */ /* $Modtime: 09-03-27 13:18 $ */ create PROCEDURE [dbo].[csp_mwe_cleanup_trashcan] AS -- FLAG_NOTFORREPLICATION -- SET NOCOUNT ON -- Declarations DECLARE @retval int DECLARE @transaction int DECLARE @date datetime DECLARE @table sysname DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000) -- mwe DECLARE @r int DECLARE @batchsize int DECLARE @itransactionlog int DECLARE @iupdatelog int DECLARE @irelationlog int DECLARE @c int SET @batchsize = 20000 -- add infologrecord to detect if and when we started INSERT INTO [infologdata] ([server],[database],iduser,lang,activegroups,workstation,[application],[type],[source],[location],[number],[message],[timestamp]) VALUES ('SERVER',db_name(),1,'sv','','SQLServer','lsp_cleanup_trashcan',0,'lsp_cleanup_trashcan','Database','3977','lsp_cleanup_trashcan started',getdate()) DECLARE @s nvarchar(256) SET @s = 'csp_mwe_cleanup_trashcan 0.3 by mwe 2020-10-01' RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT SET @s = '-----------------------------------------' RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT SET @s = 'Started ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, getdate(), 121) RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT SET @s = 'Deleting in batches of ' +CONVERT(nvarchar(32), @batchsize) + ' records.' RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT -- Set initial values SELECT @retval = 0 SELECT @transaction = 0 -- Only cleanup if it isn't a subscriber IF @retval = 0 AND dbo.lfn_ismergesubscriber() = 0 BEGIN -- Set date limit for record destruction IF @retval = 0 SELECT @date = GETDATE() - dbo.lfn_gettrashcanperiod() SET @s = 'Using trashcan period of ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(32), dbo.lfn_gettrashcanperiod()) + ' days.' RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT -- Delete all the removed records older than @date IF @retval = 0 BEGIN SET @itransactionlog = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [transactionlog] WHERE [timestamp] < @date) SET @s = 'Transactionlogs to delete: '+ CONVERT(nvarchar(32),@itransactionlog) RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT SET @iupdatelog = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [updatelog] WHERE [timestamp] < @date) SET @s = 'Updatelogs to delete: '+ CONVERT(nvarchar(32),@iupdatelog) RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT SET @irelationlog = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [relationlog] WHERE [timestamp] < @date) SET @s = 'Relationlogs to delete: '+ CONVERT(nvarchar(32),@irelationlog) RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR('',0,1) WITH NOWAIT -- Delete transactionlog records IF @retval = 0 BEGIN SET @c = 0 SET @r = 1 WHILE @r > 0 BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION DELETE TOP(@batchsize) FROM dbo.[transactionlog] WHERE [timestamp] < @date SET @r = @@ROWCOUNT SET @c = @c + @r SET @s = 'Deleted '+CONVERT(nvarchar(32),@c)+ ' of ' +CONVERT(nvarchar(32),@itransactionlog)+ ' from [transactionlog]' RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT COMMIT TRANSACTION END SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END -- Delete updatelog records IF @retval = 0 BEGIN SET @c = 0 SET @r = 1 WHILE @r > 0 BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION DELETE TOP(@batchsize) FROM dbo.[updatelog] WHERE [timestamp] < @date SET @r = @@ROWCOUNT SET @c = @c + @r SET @s = 'Deleted '+CONVERT(nvarchar(32),@c)+ ' of ' +CONVERT(nvarchar(32),@iupdatelog)+ ' from [updatelog]' RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT COMMIT TRANSACTION END SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END -- Delete relationlog records IF @retval = 0 BEGIN SET @c = 0 SET @r = 1 WHILE @r > 0 BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION DELETE TOP(@batchsize) FROM dbo.[relationlog] WHERE [timestamp] < @date SET @r = @@ROWCOUNT SET @c = @c + @r SET @s = 'Deleted '+CONVERT(nvarchar(32),@c)+ ' of ' +CONVERT(nvarchar(32),@irelationlog)+ ' from [relationlog]' RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT COMMIT TRANSACTION END SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END IF @retval = 0 BEGIN DELETE dbo.[filelog] WHERE [timestamp] < @date SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END IF @retval = 0 BEGIN DELETE dbo.[subscriberlog] WHERE [timestamp] < @date SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END IF @retval = 0 BEGIN DELETE dbo.[procedurelog] WHERE [timestamp] < @date SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END -- Delete archived field files IF @retval = 0 BEGIN DELETE dbo.[filearchive] WHERE [idfile] IN ( SELECT [idfile] FROM dbo.[file] WHERE [status] = 2 AND [filetype] = 1 AND [timestamp] < @date ) SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END -- Delete field files IF @retval = 0 BEGIN DELETE dbo.[file] WHERE [status] = 2 AND [filetype] = 1 AND [timestamp] < @date SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END -- Delete attributes for user files IF @retval = 0 BEGIN DELETE dbo.[attributedata] WHERE [owner] = N'file' AND [idrecord] IN ( SELECT [idfile] FROM dbo.[file] WHERE [status] = 2 AND [filetype] BETWEEN 100 AND 1000 AND [timestamp] < @date ) SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END -- Delete archived user files IF @retval = 0 BEGIN DELETE dbo.[filearchive] WHERE [idfile] IN ( SELECT [idfile] FROM dbo.[file] WHERE [status] = 2 AND [filetype] BETWEEN 100 AND 1000 AND [timestamp] < @date ) SELECT @retval = @@ERROR END -- Delete user files IF @retval = 0 BEGIN DELETE dbo.[file] WHERE [status] = 2 AND [filetype] BETWEEN 100 AND 1000 AND [timestamp] < @date END -- Declare cursor for all user tables IF @retval = 0 BEGIN DECLARE usertable__cursor CURSOR READ_ONLY FORWARD_ONLY STATIC FOR SELECT [name] FROM [usertableview] WHERE [status] = 2 -- Open cursor OPEN usertable__cursor -- Get first user table FETCH NEXT FROM usertable__cursor INTO @table -- Iterate through all user tables WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 AND @retval = 0 BEGIN SET @s = 'Deleting from table ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(64),@table) RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT SELECT @sql = N'DELETE dbo.[' + @table + N'] WHERE [status] IN (1, 2) AND [timestamp] < @date' EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, N'@date datetime', @date = @date SET @s = CONVERT(nvarchar(64),@@ROWCOUNT) + ' deleted' RAISERROR(@s,0,1) WITH NOWAIT SELECT @retval = @@ERROR -- Get next user table FETCH NEXT FROM usertable__cursor INTO @table END -- Close and deallocate cursor CLOSE usertable__cursor DEALLOCATE usertable__cursor END END END -- add infologrecord to detect if and when we ended INSERT INTO [infologdata] ([server],[database],iduser,lang,activegroups,workstation,[application],[type],[source],[location],[number],[message],[timestamp]) VALUES ('SERVER',db_name(),1,'sv','','SQLServer','lsp_cleanup_trashcan',0,'lsp_cleanup_trashcan','Database','3977','lsp_cleanup_trashcan ended',getdate()) RAISERROR('ALL SYSTEMS MJAU',0,1) WITH NOWAIT PRINT '' PRINT 'Ended ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, getdate(), 121) RETURN @retval