====== Lime CRM Desktop Client 11.1.2406 ====== ; Product : Lime CRM Desktop Client ; Version : 11.1.2406 ; Date published : 2022-05-18 ; Platform : Windows ; Availability : [[https://builds.lundalogik.com/api/v1/builds/limecrm-desktop/versions/11.1.2406/file/?tag=released|Manual installation]] and Automatic Updates. ==== Highlights ==== This update focus on resolving issues reported since previous update. ==== Fixes ==== * Fixed validation problems related to formatted readonly values that result in whitespace only. * Apply filter to guard against "stealing" linked objects from siblings * Restored compatibility with mixed content for XMLHttpRequest after previously fixing problems with race-conditions for onreadystatechanged. * Fixed compatibility issue with layout for multiline fields * Fixed problem with nested Record.Eval * Refactored error reporting to always include root cause. * Improved robustness for integration with Word and Excel to better handle situations where macros are completely disabled, which will be the new default for Office after April 2022. * Ensure field references are stored using none-localized database name. * Worked around problems with focus theft for WebView2 due to visibility handling in NavigationComplete-handler. * Only build recommendations for onsqlupdate for generic backend errors. Ensure root cause is more visible than recommendations. * Fixed rare crash in rendering for explorer headers. * Fixed race-conditions for refreshing modified fields marked as readonly via the API * Skip calculation of footer sums for fields with label. * Try to preserve active index in explorer if active item was lost. * Removed br (Brotli) from accepted encodings due to limitation in .Net Framework * If possible, mark mail-item as sent before saving as document. * Try do use partial updates to minimize refresh time after updates. * Pause automatic refresh for async records with filters that take more than 15s to load. * Add paused overlay for refresh toolbar button if records will require explicit refresh. * Pause automatic reload before batch update. * Apply handling of formatting for integers to all fields, not only required. * Ensure that switching view or filter triggers explicit reload. * Fixed bug in XPath for updating ids on new records * Added support for dummy record objects to to avoid null-references for ActiveUser.Record * Fixed layout problem where right-most fields stretched over all empty columns. * Worked around issue with MFC subclassing for windows owned by other threads.