====== Version ====== Released December 10, 2015. ===== New features ===== * Support changing of web server port in installer UI (PRO-505) * Lime CRM Server version number should be visible in LISA (PRO-304) * Create new object improvements (PRO-295) * Add main menu functionality (PRO-285) * AD synchronization should support batching to handle large customers. (PRO-61) \\ //AD synchronization now supports batching to improve robustness// * Show details for related object when clicked (PRO-5) ===== Bug fixes ===== * Lime-endpoints uses g.connection which is about to be removed. (PRO-501) * LIME Server doesn't handle option queries without any parameters (PRO-455) * Dropdown styling isn't included (PRO-443) * Resize large lime-icon to 56x56px (PRO-423) \\ //The large version of the badge has sharper icons on retina displays.// * Option queries containing 'in' and 'activeuser' doesn't work (PRO-371) * Problem updating template permissions in Template Manager (PRO-353) * The save button should be enabled if percent options is being changed in Lisa (PRO-350) \\ //Save button was not activated when adding/modifying percent fields in LISA// * Options without sort order crashes the server (PRO-322) * Unicode input may cause the import feature to stop functioning (PRO-302) \\ //Unicode input may cause the import feature to stop functioning// * Login page dropdown menu, wrong alignment in flexbox container. Affects IE10. (PRO-258) * Formatting of search results is not correct when information is missing (PRO-244) * Import does not allow backslashes in input (PRO-189) * Search should abort previous requests (PRO-176) * Infolog should (only) be visible for administrators (PRO-163) * Service user lacks permission to server data directory (PRO-162) * Installer prints out all register routes on web server (PRO-156) * Static resources takes an unnecessarily long time to load (PRO-155) \\ //Performance improvements loading static resources// * Badge text contains special chars (PRO-149) \\ //Badges no longer show special characters// * Removed relations are not fully removed, breaks desktop client (PRO-145) * Tabs not shown for databases with default language other than Swedish (PRO-137) \\ //All applications having a default language other than Swedish failed// * Error message when creating new users in LISA (PRO-136) \\ //An error message was displayed when creating new users in LISA// * The status of current imports is no longer shown (PRO-127) \\ //Import status and history was not displayed// * Search is hard to activate on iPad (PRO-115) \\ //Search was hard to activate on iPad// * It's not possible to close an opened datepicker without setting date (PRO-91) * Custom deal icon/badge is not shown for deals (generic one is used) (PRO-85) \\ //Custom deal icon/badge was not shown for deals (generic one is used)// * HTTP 408/409 when attempting to sign in using IE/Edge (PRO-53)