Creatable Limetypes (Lime CRM server < 12.48)

In order to configure what limetypes that can be created through the plus icon in the header of the web client you go to “Creatable Limetypes” and add the database name of the limetypes according to the picture below.

When you are done - press the “Save” button.


Please observe that the configuration needs to follow the exact indentation in order to work.

Configuring activity types (Lime CRM Server 12.24 - 12.25)

In order to configure the activity types you go to the view editor and write “activity” and “types” and then “Get view”. The window below will show.

The configuration consist of a number of sections:

The example above means that if the activity is connected to both a USER and a PERSON, the first sentence will show in the activity feed. If the activity only is connected to a USER, the second sentence will be shown in the activity feed, and if the activity isn't connected either a USER or PERSON, the third sentence will be shown.

When finished editing the view, you press “Save view”.


Please observe that the configuration needs to follow the exact indentation in order to work.

The configuration of activity types according to the example above results in the activity “Customer visit” in the activity feed as the one below in english.