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addons:webhooks:start [2019-02-11 11:08]
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-====== Webhooks ====== 
-Gives Webhook functionality to Lime CRM. Webhooks make it possible to create a subscription from an external system to events in Lime CRM. You can subscribe to ''%%new%%'', ''%%update%%'', ''%%delete%%'' and ''%%restore%%'' for all available Limetypes. 
-===== Features ===== 
-It is possible to list available events, current subscriptions and register a new or update an existing subscription. 
-==== Authorization ==== 
-To be able to call the endpoints, the user must be an Administrator or part of the dedicated Lime CRM group ''Webhook Users''. 
-<alert type="warning">//IMPORTANT:// Users in that group will, for the moment, have the possibility to modify all existing subscriptions. Use with care.</alert> 
-===== Requirements ===== 
-  * On-premise server environment. 
-  * Lime CRM server version 12.48 or newer. 
-===== Install ===== 
-  - Create a group in LISA called ''Webhook Users''. 
-  - Download the latest release from [https://github.com/Lundalogik/lime-plug-webhooks](GitHub (Internal access only)). Unzip and put it in a folder for plugins on the application server. //Please note that the files will be used also when running it, and not just for installation.// 
-  - In a command prompt with elevated rights, go to the folder where you put the files and run the following command. <code bash> 
-limeplug install . 
-===== Endpoints ===== 
-The base url is ''%%https://{your_lime_app_url}/{your_lime_app}/api/v1/subscription/%%'' 
-==== List available events/subscriptions ==== 
-''%%GET: /subscription/available/%%'' 
-==== List current subscriptions ==== 
-''%%GET: /subscription/%%'' 
-==== Create a subscription ==== 
-''%%POST: /subscription/%%'' 
-request body: 
-    "events" : ["company.new", "helpdesk.update"], 
-    "target_url" : "https://example.org/hook/123"  
-==== Update a subscription ==== 
-''%%PUT: /subscription/:id%%'' 
-request body: 
-    "events" : ["company.new"], 
-    "target_url" : "https://example.org/hook/123"  
-==== Show a subscription ==== 
-''%%GET: /subscription/:id%%'' 
-response body: 
-    "id" : 1, 
-    "events" : ["company.new"], 
-    "target_url" : "https://example.org/hook/123", 
-    "enabled": true 
-==== Delete a subscription ==== 
-''%%DELETE: /subscription/:id%%'' 
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • by fer