Released April 8, 2016.
New features
- Download documents from related document object (PRO-1020)
- limefu view generation adds fields according to database field order (PRO-956)
Easier way of administrating the views in the webclient - Upload and download documents (PRO-866)
Make it possible to download and upload single files on cards with file fields - Improve installer help texts (PRO-862)
- Allow use of Yes/No fields as key (PRO-830)
- Object picker improvements (PRO-747)
Bug fixes
- Internal server error when attempting to view import error details and import file does not exist (PRO-1127)
- Storing documents not always possible due to out of memory errors (PRO-1067)
- Handle any filename when uploading files (PRO-1044)
Allow all valid file name characters when uploading and downloading files via the file api. - Related object badge may interfere with dropdown menus (PRO-992)
- IE/Edge reports installation package “invalid or corrupt” (PRO-893)
- Do not log multiple changes of database timestamp within the same second (PRO-858)