Table of Contents

Checklist for installation

This checklist will help you prepare your environment to make installation and configuration by Lime as smooth as possible.

Remote access

During the implementation phase, Lime needs to be able to access the application and database servers remotely. Allowing remote access after the implementation is also desirable as this simplifies support and maintenance. A Lime representative will provide you with instructions on how to download and install the necessary remote access software on the server(s).

  • Install remote access software obtained from Lime

More information about the software is available here: Danish Finnish Norwegian Swedish

System requirements

Lime cannot support the installation unless the server requirements are met so make sure to validate this at an early stage.

Accounts and credentials

Service accounts

User groups

A local or AD group to contain all users allowed to access LISA, for example Lime CRM Admins is needed.

  • Create a local or AD group for Lime CRM Admins

User accounts

Lime personnel will require credentials for one or more user accounts to perform necessary installation and configuration. The account(s) must have administrator rights on the application server and also access to the Lime CRM database (at least db_owner). User accounts may be personal or shared. If personal accounts are required, note that support resolution times may be prolonged.

  • Create user account(s) for Lime personnel according to the above, including the support team.

Additional software

The following programs are used by Lime and therefore must be accessible on either a separate client machine (preferred and recommended), on the application server and/or database server.

  • Install additional software according to the above

Certificate and network setup

More information about these steps are available in the server installation guide.

  • Acquire a TLS certificate for the desired domain name and store it in the Windows certificate store on the application server. The certificate must be located in the Windows Certificate Store (machine store) and have a private key that is marked as exportable.
  • Ensure that DNS, firewalls and any reverse proxies are correctly configured to allow traffic to the application server on port 443

Database Maintanence

To ensure performant database over time, make sure to have a maintanence plan.


When all preparations are completed, notify Lime and supply the following information: