Policies are used to control the rights to all table, fields, filters, views, templates and reports.

New policies are created with the user of the _New_ button. If an existing policy should be edited, just click its Display Name.

Doing either of the two will give the following window.

The field _Name_ should contain the system name of the policy. We suggest using a descriptive naming in the format tbl_tablename (tbl is short for table) and fld_tablename_fieldname (fld is short for field). Thus it is easy in the policy overview to see which table or field it is used on. It is possible to give translated names, but this is generally only suggested to do when security policies are of the type Filters, views, templates and reports as only these will be visibly within the Lime CRM client.

In the Group Access section you define who should have what access to the field or table.

Denomination Name Description
R Read Gives read access to a table or field. Without this access a user cannot see the field or table
W Write Makes it possible to modify existing data in a table/field
A Add Makes it possible to add new records in a table
D Delete Makes it possible to delete records in a table.
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by Simon Jehrbo