Languages and localization

Lime CRM has multilingual support and users may log on to the same database with different languages.

Active languages are configured in LISA when a new database is created. This can also be changed later through the Database Overview | Database properties dialog in LISA.

To enable a language in the database, e.g. Norwegian (no) follow these steps:

  1. Execute the following SQL statement:
    EXECUTE lsp_setlanguageactive @@lang = N'no', @@active = 1
  2. Restart the LDC COM+ service.
  3. Restart Lime CRM and the LISA service if they are running.

To disable a language in the database repeat the steps but run the following SQL statement instead:

EXECUTE lsp_setlanguageactive @@lang = N'no', @@active = 0
Språk Language code
Arabic ar
Danish da
English (US) en-us
Estonian et
Finnish fi
French fr
Dutch nl
Icelandic is
Croatian hr
Latvian lv
Lithuanian lt
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portugese pt
Russian ru
Slovakian sk
Slovene sl
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Czech cs
German de
Ukrainian uk
Hungarian hu

When the desktop client starts, it performs the following steps to determine what language to display to the user:

  1. It checks the command line for the arguments 'Language' or 'Lang' (starting with Lime CRM 10.12). Example: lime.exe /language “da”
  2. It checks in the registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lundalogik\Lime for the value 'Language'.
  3. It checks in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lundalogik\Lime for the value 'Language' (This is where the language selected at installation is stored).
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)