Indicating progress

When doing a heavy job with VBA in Lime CRM, for example creating/updating many records at the same time, it could be a good idea to show the progress to the user. In the examples we create 1000 companies in smaller batches and shows the progress. Here's a few examples of how:

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim oRecord As LDE.Record
    Dim oBatch As New LDE.Batch
    Set oBatch.Database = Application.Database
    ' Do 10 batches
    For j = 0 To 10
        'Batches of 100 at the time
        For i = 0 To 100
            Set oRecord = New LDE.Record
            Call oRecord.Open(Application.Database.Classes.Lookup("company", lkLookupClassByName))
            oRecord.value("name") = "Company nummero - " & (j * 100 + i)
            Call oRecord.Update(oBatch)
        Next i
        Call oBatch.Execute
        ' Update text and progress
        Application.StatusBar.Text = "Creating " & (j * 100) & " / 1000 companies"
        ' Progressbar is not visible if progress 0, so set a minimum of 1.
        If j = 0 Then
            Application.StatusBar.Progress = 1
            Application.StatusBar.Progress = 100 * ((j * 100) / 1000)
        End If
    Next j
    ' Remove Progressbar
    Application.StatusBar.Progress = 0
    Application.StatusBar.Text = ""

A work dialog is a small popup window that shows a progress bar with som text and can also have a cancel button.

Name Required Type Description
Cancel False Boolean Indicates if the user has pressed Cancel button
CancelText False String Text on Cancel button
Caption False String Title of the WorkDialog window
Delay False Long Will look into it
Icon False IPictureDisp What icon to show in the WorkDialog window
Progress False Long A number between 1 and 100 that indicates the progress of the bar
Style True WorkDialogStyle (Enumeration) Indicates what should be visible and not in the workDialog (If you want to use multiple styles just add them to eachother e.g. .Style = lcoShowCancelButton + lcoShowText)
lcoShowCancelButton - Show cancel button (Also set CancelText)
lcoShowIcon - Show icon in in workDialog (Also set Icon)
lcoShowProgressBar - Show progress bar (Also set Progress)
lcoShowText - Show text in workDialog (Also set Text)
lcoShowTopMost - Makes the window topmost
Text False String The text that is shown inside the WorkDialog
  1. Declare a LCO.WorkDialog With events and add listeners for them.
  2. Create an instance of the workDialog and set initial values like caption and style. Then show it.
  3. How to use the events.

1) Declare WorkDialog

Private WithEvents m_WorkDialog As LCO.WorkDialog

2) Create instance

Dim oIcon As IPictureDisp
Set m_WorkDialog = New LCO.WorkDialog
Set oIcon = LoadPicture(WebFolder & "/resources/MyIcons/progress_bar.ico", , , color) ' Of course the icon must exist at the given path.
Set m_WorkDialog.Icon = oIcon
m_WorkDialog.Caption = "Create companies!"
m_WorkDialog.CancelText = "Cancel"
m_WorkDialog.Text = "Preparing..."
m_WorkDialog.Progress = 1
m_WorkDialog.Style = lcoShowCancelButton + lcoShowProgressBar + lcoShowText + lcoShowIcon

3) Event listeners

'Event for Cancel-button
Private Sub m_WorkDialog_Cancel()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    m_WorkDialog.Cancel = True
    Call Lime.MessageBox("Cancelled")
Exit Sub
    Call UI.ShowError("ControlsHandlerCompany.m_WorkDialog_Cancel")
End Sub
'Event for doing the heavy job. (Creating companies in this case)
Private Sub m_WorkDialog_Work()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim oRecord As LDE.record
    Dim oBatch As New LDE.Batch
    Set oBatch.Database = Application.Database
    ' Do 10 batches
    For j = 0 To 10
        'Is it cancelled?
        If m_WorkDialog.Cancel Then
            Exit For
            'Batches of 100 at the time
            For i = 0 To 100
                'Is it cancelled?
                If m_WorkDialog.Cancel Then
                    Exit For
                    Set oRecord = New LDE.record
                    Call oRecord.Open(Application.Database.Classes.Lookup("company", lkLookupClassByName))
                    oRecord.Value("name") = "Company nummero - " & (j * 100 + i)
                    Call oRecord.Update(oBatch)
                End If
            Next i
            'Is it not cancelled?
            If Not m_WorkDialog.Cancel Then
                 Call oBatch.Execute
            End If
            ' Update text and progress
            m_WorkDialog.Text = "Creating: " & (j * 100) & " / 1000"
            ' Progressbar is not visible if progress 0, so set a minimum of 1.
            If j = 0 Then
                m_WorkDialog.progress = 1
                m_WorkDialog.progress = 100 * ((j * 100) / 1000)
            End If
        End If
    Next j
Exit Sub
    Call UI.ShowError("ControlsHandlerCompany.m_WorkDialog_Work")
End Sub
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)