Installation of Python 3.7

Prerequisite: Completely uninstall any older major version of Python, e.g. 3.4, on the machine.

  1. Run the installation as ”Run as Administrator” (right-click on the installation file and select this option).
  2. Check ”Add Python 3.7 to PATH”. Then, click “Customize Installation”.
  3. Make sure that the following checkboxes are checked, then click “Next”.
  4. Check “Install for all users” and make sure that the checkboxes are checked. Then click “Install”.
  5. After the installation, if the ”Disable length limit” question appears, click this and then “Close”.

If you experience any issues during the installation of Lime CRM Server after installing Python 3.7 - ensure that the following is fulfilled.

Open a cmd prompt, run the command

python --version

and verify that the command returns version “3.7.X” (X might differ depending on what 3.7 release you have installed) and that it is the 64 bit version of Python. If the command fails, you need to make sure that Python is installed and that it exists in your path. If it returns the wrong version, you need to uninstall it and then install the correct version.

Link to a resource that describes how to change the path:

Open a command prompt and run

where virtualenv

Verify that the command either returns this:

C:\Windows\system32>where virtualenv
INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).


C:\Windows\system32>where virtualenv

If the path points to Python34 you need to remove it from the path.

  • Last modified: 3 years ago
  • by Fredrik Eriksson