
Released March 1, 2017.

  • Support set fields in web client (LCWC-288)
    It is now possible to use set-fields on the object page in the web client.
  • Category-search in global search (LCWC-110)
    Introducing a category search in the web client! This makes it possible to search for specific object-types, through the selection of that type in the category bar.
  • Sort the steps in the salespipe widget according to the order of the options in “dealstatus” (LCWC-320)
    Options in salespipe widget is sorted according to order of options in LISA
  • In salespipe; total number of deals always with English number formatting (LCWC-314)
    The total number of deals in the salespipe widget is now formatted according to the logged-in user's language
  • Cannot search for special characters in IE11 (e.g. åäö) (LCWC-312)
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)