Released January 23, 2017.
Bug fixes
- Files are not considered accessible by the ACL (PRO-1722)
- Installation fails on certain servers (PRO-1720)
- System properties cannot be used as keys when importing (PRO-1715)
- Importing decimals or integers with empty values should populate entries with the defaultvalue. (PRO-1714)
If an empty string is mapped to a number-field, the defaultvalue set in lisa will be set as value
- Installation may fail due to COM security initialization timing (PRO-1711)
- Import fails for types having record access enabled (PRO-1710)
- Imports created with cannot import to option fields (PRO-1705)
- Importer does not display required fields. (PRO-1703)
Importer GUI displays all required fields.
- limefu importer list –state <state> failes (PRO-1702)
Bugfix such that limefu cmd: `limefu importer list –state <state>` works
- Only administrators can open document files when the document table has an access query (PRO-1701)
- Files that have been deleted could show up in the desktop client (PRO-1700)
- Lime CRM Server may become unresponsive due to there being no available database connections (PRO-1698)
- Lime CRM Importer can't import decimal-numbers with comma (PRO-1697)
Possible to import decimal numbers with comma via lime-import.
- Cannot save objects with XML properties longer than 128 characters (PRO-1669)
Possible to save objects in the webclient containing xml-properties