Released September 5, 2017.
New features
Web Client
- Added a new control - editable options.
The new control shows a list of options, but the user can also write whatever they like.
Web Client
- Display deals from salespipe-widget as related card rather than fullscreen object.
- Clicking the header in the admin view now opens/closes the section without navigating away from the edit view.
- The config for the activitytypes are validated before it's saved.
- Make search page use less resources and be more performant.
- Events were not always published.
- API documentation is no longer broken by special characters in field/table names.
Web Client
- Changed margins within the dashboard grid.
- UI-fixes for the salespipe-widget.
- Header view is sometimes not shown on related card view.
- Opening an empty related-list for todos no longer shows an error.
- Updated favicon and touch-icons.