
Released October 18, 2017.

Web Client

  • Phone number, email and web links are clickable in the todo header.
  • Todo card: Show buttons for mark as done and postpone below header.
    It is now possible to mark a task or meeting as done or postpone a todo directly from the todo object header through intuitive buttons.

Web Client

  • Show mobilephone number in ellipsis menu for todo.
  • Use phone- and email icons for phone/email controls.
  • Make site head more uniform to other products, add logo.
  • Limetypes named “properties” can now be indexed
  • For databases that contains windows users that are used for Lime login, it's now possible to use a feature switch to allow Lime login as a last resort.
  • A config file with an empty configuration section no longer removes default configuration settings

Web Client

  • Action buttons in mark as done modal switches to full width in narrow mode.
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by Jonatan Folger Asu