Released January 11, 2018.
New features
- It's now possible to filter on empty integers, decimals, dates, and belongs to relations using the syntax ''
Web Client
- Table view.
You can now navigate to a table view for a specific limetype (for example company) and continue your filtering through a table view search and get a nice view of the data. It is also possible (through the Lime admin page) to configure the columns that should be shown for each limetype. The table view is also accessible directly for related objects.
- Filters in todo widget.
It is now possible to filter on the todos for today, overdue or upcoming.
- Markdown support.
It is now possible to style activities in the activity feed using markdown. Make the text bold, italic, write headlines, bullet lists and more.
- Edit and delete activities in the activity feed.
It is now possible to edit and delete a note in the activity feed after it's been saved.
- Support for flask-restful based custom endpoints.
Web Client
- New datepickers for date and time, year/quarter and year/month.
- iOS and Android devices will now use their native picker for date- and time-inputs.
- Overdue dates on todo headers are displayed as red.
- Improved styling of action-menu for existing activity.
- Show mobilephone number in todo-header.
- Possible to set a custom format for limeDatetime through the view editor.
- The app now utilizes native browser scrolling.
- Hide the scrollbar of the related view.
- On create new activity, the owner object is always included in related object and cannot be removed. Search for suggestions is now global.
- It's now possible to set nullable integers and decimals to null via the core API.
- Databases older than 12.0 are no longer considered upgraded.
- When the windows registry entry for one database was corrupt, no databases could be listed at all. We now log an error and return a list of ok databases.
- Application object is now closed also in custom endpoints using LimeResource.
Web Client
- The search page remembers currently selected category between navigations.
- Listing databases on the logon form no longer breaks if one database is incorrectly registered.
- Removes the goto object from the search item menu.
- When adding endtime to a task, the header updates correctly in the related view.