Released April 13, 2018.
New features
- Support for creating custom endpoints, custom limeobjects and event handlers using plugins.
- It's now possible to integrate Lime CRM with Lime Newsletter via the lime-newsletter package.
- Lime CRM Server now includes the endpoints for GDPR functionality.
- It's possible to configure what group can access a restricted endpoint.
- Support for impersonated endpoints.
Web Client
- Table view - Column filtering.
You can now filter the objects in the table view through the column headers. The column filter is stored in the browsers local storage, so when you go back to the table view for the same limetype, the filter is shown.
- Table view - Column sorting.
You can now sort the table on the different columns by pressing the column header.
- Table view - Sticky header and footer.
The column header and footer is attached to the browser, so you always can see the column names and footer when scrolling.
- Table view - Summarizing footer.
Integer and decimal columns are summarized in the footer of the table view.
- Table view - Filter icon.
When filtering the table view, the icon to the left of the filter bar will show you the numbers of filters applied and it is possible to clear all filters by pressing the icon.
- Table view - Transfer selections.
You can now transfer a selection in the table view to show the related objects for the selection. For example, filter out a number of companies and use the feature to show the persons connected to the companies.
- Lime links can be sent by email or copied to the clipboard from the object page menu.
Web Client
- When hovered, all text links are underlined.
- Support to group words into single search terms using quotes in the text filter for tables.
- Added tooltips to the transfer and filter icons in table view.
- Redirect from login page to correct place in web client.
- The import page has been updated to better match the style of the webclient.
- Administrators page, table view, api-doc and import page is not available on mobile devices.
- Improved the text editor in the admin view - Added code highlighting and code formatting.
- It's possible to use the tab key in text editor in the admin view to indent the configuration.
- Added a datepicker for years.
- Datepicker for weeks highlights the whole week when the user hovers the mouse on a day.
- Set a content security policy. It's only possible to make request to the same origin.
- Changes in style and layout of the mark-as-done dialog.
- Possible to update user properties for UpdateXML.
- Lime no longer publishes events about updates for objects that haven't changed.
- It's now possible to update an already existing has one relation.
- There were problems updating objects that had a relation with the same name as the object type.
- When updating an object, the logging of changes recorded all properties as changed whether they were updated or not.
Web Client
- All badges for items in related-lists is now the same size.
- Sometimes unable to close error message showed in a toast.
- [Performance fix] On the object card component - Only load directives in a section if the section is open.
- Objectpicker now works in mobile view on cards and when creating an activity in card view.
- The history view is removed from the search results.
- Views can only be edited by admins.
- Translation-key is shown on error-toast when task has wrong starttime.
- Postpone-buttons in mark-as-done-dialog were wrapping to a new line when they didn't have to.
- Datepicker did not reset view to current date when old date was reset.
- Add overlay behind open datepicker such that user not clicks another control or link when closing it.
- Possible types to create from the webclient can only be edited by admins.
- Options w/o order throws exception when sorting options in the table view.
- Remove possibility to run inline javascript in the webclient.
- The back button in the browser works as expected.
- Align number columns with header and footer in table view.