Released January 29, 2019
New features
- Plugin configuration support
A plugin can register configuration that can be configured from the webclient. - Web Client: Possible to use the table view on mobile devices.
- Web Client: Possible to use the table view for history notes.
- Web Client: Possible to search for lime-link and lime-phone in table view.
- Web Client: Possible to search for number, percent and yes-no fields in the table view.
- Support for aliases on object properties in lime_query
- Web Client: Change font from Open Sans to Roboto.
- Web Client: A dropdown menu is used instead of the /add route when selecting the type of an object to create.
- Web Client: Added icons in the table view menu.
- Don't return 200 when a request is aborted due to a restricted access.
- Web Client: Being able to resume a todo from the todo item menu again.
- Web Client: Possible to load web client even with config errors on the dashboard. (No more `unexpected error when the application is loading)