Released June 17, 2019
New features
- Newsletter 2.0 is included in Lime CRM Server.
Read more about the features here:
- Lime CRM Server is now running Python 3.7.3 (from 3.4.4) for stability and future security.
- Web Client: New objects are now created through a dialogue instead of navigating to a new, empty page.
- Removed use of
param in generated links. Replaced byoffset
. - Let object-access shim handle null values.
- Fixed security vulnerability where API validation could be done with partial key.
- Added validation for limetype lables in lime diagnostics.
- Added validation for virtual tables lime diagnostics.
- Added validation for empty passwords lime diagnostics.
- Removed duplicate errors during options validation in lime diagnostics.
- Resolve timing issue when initializing plugins when using the file import.
- Removed lsp_setactionpadattribute to improve security for Actionpads.