
Released June 8, 2016.

  • Web Client available in Danish, Finnish and Norwegian bokmål (PRO-1197)
    Webclient now available in danish, norwegian and finnish.
  • Creating document through plus-sign and browsing for file (PRO-1142)
    It possible to upload a file easily by browsing for the file when creating a new document.
  • Create new documents via “related” using drag and drop (PRO-1141)
    Documents can now be created through drag n drop to related objects
  • Button to delete search text when not on search page (PRO-1105)
  • Improved notifications on save where mandatory fields are missing (PRO-1100)
  • Percentage-control (steps) (PRO-783)
    As a user I can easily select a value for a percentage-field through sliding the control
  • Show saved documents in related object list (PRO-673)
    Documents in related object list is nicely formatted showing file-type, size and documenttype. You can download the document directly from the list.
  • Upgrade embedded Python to 3.4.4 (PRO-1211)
  • Store application specific configuration in database (PRO-1206)
    Views and configuration for the web client are now stored in the database instead of in files
  • Severe input lag in lime-textarea on “creating new activities” (PRO-1205)
    User gets faster response when writing activitynote
  • Support more than 255 applications per server (PRO-1154)
  • Notifications when saving without all required information shown in wrong location (PRO-1145)
    Notifications are shown in the right context when saving object without all required fields
  • Installation integrity check does not take entire code base into consideration (PRO-1094)
  • Clicking on related object in activity feed should display object in related object view (PRO-762)
    As a user I can easily access more information about a related object without having to leave the activity feed.
  • Internal error is raised when a nonexisting limetype is queried inthe api (PRO-1281)
  • Requests doing multiple database queries sometimes fail (PRO-1247)
  • iOS: text inputs on card doesn't render content immediately while writing (PRO-1232)
  • Text disappears when searching for related object and pressing space when writing (PRO-1229)
    When searching for related objects, the search field is no longer reset when pressing the space-key
  • Memory leak in web server relating to desktop client login (PRO-1204)
    The web server is no longer leaking memory when desktop clients do not log out.
  • Cannot run text import if translations have special characters (PRO-1200)
    Webclient and Import can now handle doublequote (“) characters at the end of field- and optionnames
  • Starting an import while another is still running in the same database (and same user?) fails the first (PRO-1182)
    Multiple import jobs started by the same user will now be queued up and not run simultaneously.
  • Search in webclient should handle special characters (PRO-710)
    It is now possible to search for objects containing special characters in Lime CRM
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)