Version (1.3.1)

Released October 11, 2019

Release is based on lime-crm-1.3.1

  • BREAKING CHANGE: No longer possible to create the fieldtype with of type sql
  • Possible to run lime_application.get_applications() in tests.


  • Added commands to handle users (list, info, new, disable, enable, set-password)
  • Moved the command limeplug solution to limefu
  • limefu database list works when database is unavaliable

Web Client

  • Now possible to customize the web client using web components
  • Possible to bulk create objects from table view
  • Info Tiles is now included in the web client!
  • The web client is now available in French! Bonjour!

Web Client

  • Table view format changed to json (from xml)
  • Upgrade from Angular 6 to Angular 8
  • Removed the markdown text underneath the notes input field when adding a new history note
  • Linkfields is using fieldtype to show as links in web client instead of fieldname 'www'
  • Error codes returned from custom endpoints will no longer result in 500. (Correct error will be returned insted)

Web Client

  • Duplicated objects might be created if you presss quickly on “Create” in the add-new dialogue
  • Not possible to select filter to delete in “Delete filter” dialog when using smaller screens
  • Not possible to set a “between” filter on a date column if the column is included in the chosen filter
  • Add new dialog is shown underneath object card when triggered from related in Safari
  • Selecting option through option property makes it impossible to scroll down in add-new dialog
  • Belongs-to picker does not show any result in add new dialog
  • Table view is not properly shown when opening from related
  • Belongs-to picker in add-new dialog flickers when there are no suggestions
  • Not possible to set a column filter on iOS in landscape mode
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by Jonatan Folger Asu