Table of Contents


In order for the Lime CRM Web client to work properly, the following requirements on the database must be satisfied. Please make sure that these requirements are met before proceeding in enabling the web client!

Database structure

The web client is currently adapted to fit the main structure of the Lime CRM Core database v 2.0 or higher. This means that the database must have a specific structure for the web client to work properly. The structure includes specific tables, but also table- and field-labels.

Todos and history

In order to use the todo functionality and the activity feed, there must be two different tables in the database, with table labels as below:

Table Table label
Todo ToDo
History History


This means that you MUST have separated tables for todo and history. If you use one table for both todos and history, then these need to be split in order to use the web client properly.

Todo table

The following fields and including field-labels must be set in order to properly use todo functionality.

Field Field type Field label Description
Subject text field Description Subject of the todo
Coworker relation field Responsible Co-worker Link to responsible coworker
Company relation field N/A Link to company
Person relation field N/A Link to contact person
Starttime datetime StartDate Start date for the todo
End Time datetime DueDate End date for the todo
Notes text Notes Notes for the todo
Done yes/no Completed Done-flag

History table

The following fields and including field-labels must be set in order to use the activity feed and register new activities properly.

Field Field type Field label Description
Date datetime StartDate Date for the activity
Coworker relation field Responsible Co-worker Link to responsible coworker
Type option Category Activitytype - see more info here
Notes text Notes Notes for the activity


In order to get the nicely formatted document-list and being able to drag n drop documents, the following table and field labels must be set.

Table Table label
Document Document

The following fields and including field-labels must be set:

Field Field type Field label Description
Comment text Description Text describing the document
Coworker relation field Responsible Co-worker Link to responsible coworker
Document type option Category Type of document

Custom tables

In order to search for, and view information from other tables, each table must include a field with one of the following field labels below. If there isn't a field label on the table, the search view won't be generated and you cannot find any objects in the related items list.

Field label

Authorization model

The authorization model in the web client covers users, groups, policies and object access. This means that you can set up field- and table policies that defines which usergroups are able to read/write/add/delete fields and tables.

From version 12.46 it is also possible to use object access in the web client. Read more about that here.