Using the desktop client

When logged on as an administrator or super user in Lime CRM, the import feature is available through the File | Import… menu command.

Press the Browse file to select and upload the file to import. The maximum supported file size is 10 MB and only .csv and .txt extensions are allowed.

After the file has been successfully uploaded it is time to specify which delimiter that is used to separate columns in the file. The destination entity (e.g. company or person) that data should be imported for also needs to be specified.

This is where we tell the import engine in which field in Lime CRM data from a column in the import file should end up. Only one-to-one mappings are supported and for ordinary fields such as text fields, number fields, etc. the mapping should be quite straightforward. When mapping option and relation fields certain conditions apply. All mandatory fields must be mapped before continuing.

If one or more keys where selected on the map fields page, the create/update behavior must be selected here.

The job history list shows the 10 last import jobs. Clicking a row shows details about the import job and also provides functionality for downloading a new import file containing only the rows that could not be imported in case of errors.

  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)